Digital health startups in progress

Our projects

+ O-vercome

+ Sleep Academy

+ iSelfhelp

+ Founders Minds

Founders Minds

Studies have shown that entrepreneurs are more likely to experience mental health issues compared to the general population. For example, research suggests rates of depression among entrepreneurs can be as high as 30%, compared to around 7% in the general population. Anxiety disorders are also prevalent, with estimates ranging from 19% to 49% among entrepreneurs.

We want to change this in the Startup community.

Founders Minds backs founders in their Startup journey so they can thrive both mentally and business wise. We do so by providing training programs and support for the funders, but also educate the world of Venture Capital on this subject.

Together we can create a more sustainable environment for thriving founders and businesses.


Fear or anxiety related to flying is something that 20 - 30% of all passengers feel in different levels.

At Overcome we train you to overcome your fears, to be able to enjoy your flight.

The online training program is supported by a coach to get you all the way.

And yes, these techniques and learnings are also relevant for any anxiety challenge.


Routed in yoga and Mindfulness, iSelfhelp has developed specialized training programs addressing special challenges and needs of people suffering from different type of illnesses, both physical and psychological, such as anxiety, depression, GAD and different sorts of arthritis.

To sleep well is a gift many have. When sleeping well we heal and develop strenghts and meet life challenges.

However, not all have this blessing of sleeping well, on occasions or more permanently. At Sleep Academy we have developed a training program to make you take on these challenges in a better way and learn how to get your sleep back.

We support your development with a coach that will help you get all the way.

Sleep Academy